Summer Final Exam Schedule

The Summer Semester Final exams will be held July 29 - August 2, 2024.

Final examinations shall be administered only during Final exam week and only at the time scheduled by the University. Exceptions to the rule will be made only for compelling reasons. The written authorization of the department chair (with a copy to the College Dean) is required for such an exception. Students and faculty are to be informed of this rule. Suspected violations should be reported to the appropriate department chair and College Dean.

The day and starting time of the first class meeting per week determines the examination time, except that the time of the lecture determines the time of the examination for lecture-laboratory, lecture-activity, and lecture-discussion courses. If a course contains a separate laboratory, activity, or discussion segment, a Final examination on that segment, if desired by the instructor, may be given during the last meeting of that segment.


  1. Find the cell with your class day/s and start time within the table.
  2. From this cell, look up to the first row to find the date of your exam.
  3. From the same cell, look left to the first column to find the time of your exam.

NOTE: The Concord Campus will follow the same Final exam schedule, unless specified otherwise by instructors.

Time of Final / Date of Final


July 29, 2024


July 30, 2024


July 31, 2024


August 1, 2024


August 2, 2024

8 AM -10 AM

MWF 8-9:29 am

MW 8-9:29 am

M 7-9:59 am



Tu 7-9:59 am


W 7-9:59 am

TuTh 6:30-9:29 am

Th 7-9:59 am


F 7-9:59 am


10:15 AM - 12:15 PM


MW 9:30-10:59 am

M 10-12:29 pm



TuTh 11-12:29 pm

Tu 10-12:29 pm

MWF 9:30-11:29 am

MW 11-12:29 pm


W 10-12:29 pm

TuTh 9:30-10:59 am

Th 10-12:29 pm


F 10-12:29 pm


12:45 PM - 2:45 PM

MWF 1:00-2:29 pm

MW 2:00-3:29 pm

M 12:30-2:59 pm


TuTh 12:30-1:59 pm

Tu 12:30-2:59 pm


MW 12:30-1:59 pm

W 12:30-2:59 pm


TuTh 2:00-3:29 pm

Th 12:30-2:59 pm


MWF 11:30-12:59 pm

F 12:30-2:59 pm

3 PM - 5 PM


MW 3:30-4:59 pm

M 3-5:29 pm


TuTh 3:30-4:59 pm

Tu 3:00-5:29 pm

MWF 4:00-5:29 pm

W 3:00-5:29 pm



Th 3:00-5:29 pm

MWF 2:30-3:59 pm

F 3:00-5:29 pm


5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

MWF 5:30-6:59 pm

MW 5:00-6:29 pm

M 5:30pm or later


TuTh 5-6:29 pm

Tu 5:30 pm or later

MWF 7:00-8:29 pm

MW 6:30-7:59 pm

W 5:30 pm or later


TuTh 6:30-7:59 pm

Th 5:30 pm or later


F 5:30 pm or later


Half-Semester Classes

 states that final exams will be scheduled for the last instructional day of the session.

Saturday and Sunday Classes

Saturday – Sunday Classes: Examinations are scheduled during first two hours of regular class meeting times during finals week.

Hybrid Sections

Hybrid sections meeting on campus one day a week may have conflicting final exam times, students should contact their instructor early in the semester to reschedule.