Faculty Profiles

Our professors and lecturers are experienced in their fields, both professionally and personally, and are listed here with their field of specialty. Many instructors for Electronic Arts option courses are graduates of the Multimedia Masters Program.

  • Janet Green - Graphic Design
  • Ian Pollock – Interaction Design & Interactive Art Grad Program Direction, Interaction & Game Design
  • Kristin Becker - Video & Animation
  • Jennifer Brazelton - Fine Arts Practice
  • Zach Clark - Graphic Design
  • Nikita Gokhale - Interaction & Game Design
  • Kimberlee Koym - Foundations
  • Beth Krebs - Foundation
  • Kirk LeClaire - Fine Arts Practice
  • Kate Lee – Graphic Design
  • Tana Lehr – Graphic Design
  • Kija Lucas - Photography
  • Tim Nickodemus - Foundations
  • Christopher Platz - 3D Art & Design
  • John Poole - Fine Arts Practice, 3D Art & Design
  • Anthony Ryan - Foundations
  • Robert Slote - Fine Arts Practice
  • Kal Spelletich - Foundations
  • Tyler Stannard - Interaction & Game Design
  • Catherine Telfair - Art History & Visual Studies
  • Marine Terteryan - Interaction Design & Interactive Art
  • Sharon Wickham – Photography
  • Annie Wong - Video & Animation
  • Noemi Zeigler - Foundations
  • Kristin Zimmerman - Illustration
  • Onica Clay - Budget Coordinator / Bookkeeper
  • Besy Diaz - Instructional Support Tech
  • Tony Esola - Tool Room / Shop
  • Carolina Gainey-Vejar - University Gallery Curator
  • Jackie Perez - Administrative Support Coordinator
  • James Saxon – Print Lab / Maker Space
  • Arne Randall, Sculpture, 1976
  • Howard Slatoff, Fine Art, 1980
  • Allan Temko, Art History, 1980
  • Irene Keil, Art History, Gallery Director, 1983
  • Misch Kohn, Printmaking, 1986
  • James Black, Fine Art, 1987
  • Raymond Saunders, Fine Art, 1987
  • Joseph Pugliese, Art History, 1988
  • John Davis, Fine Art, 1990
  • Kenjilo Nanao, Fine Art, 1991
  • Lynn Louden, Art History, 1992
  • Harold Myers, Ceramics, 1992
  • Arne Wolf, Fine Art, 1992
  • Clayton Bailey, Ceramics, 1996
  • Melvin Ramos, Fine Art, 1997
  • Alan Shepp, Ceramics, 1997
  • James Perrizo, Sculpture, 1998
  • Lewis Carson, Fine Art, 2000
  • Corban LePell, Fine Art, 2001
  • Greg MacGregor, Photography, 2001
  • James Petrillo, Multimedia, 2011
  • Mark Levy, Art History, 2013
  • Phillip Hofstetter, Photography, 2014
  • Amy Oakland, Art History, 2015
  • Grace Munakata, Fine Art, 2017
  • Suzy Wear, Illustration, 2022

The following lecturers are eligible for a three year contract in the 2024-2025 Academic Year:

  • Kirk Leclaire
  • Mariah Briel