Teacher Preparation

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The Teacher Preparation concentration provides coursework that meets the equivalent of Element Subject Matter competency, a pathway to the multiple subject credential to teach in elementary schools. Shifting demographics, the statewide teacher shortage and demand for coursework reflecting the diversity of our population have made it imperative to integrate ethnic studies coursework and pedagogy into our program.


The Teacher Preparation concentration is 34-36 units. Students must complete the following coursework as outlined below:

Complete all (13 units):

  • BIOL 100 - Biology in the Real World (4) GE-B2, GE-B3
  • ENGL 463 - Children’s Literature after 1900 (4)
  • KIN 321 - Elementary Classroom Teachers as Movement Educators (4)
  • SCI 308 - Hands-On Science Teaching (1)

Select one (3 units ):

  • ART 102 - 2D Processes (3)
  • DANC 341 - Dance for Children (3) GE-UD-C
  • TED 420 - Art Skills for Teachers (3) GE-UD-C

 Select one (3-4 units):

  • ANTH 340 - Language and Culture(3) GE-UD-D
  • ENGL 351 - Modern English Grammar (4)
  • HDEV 423 - Child Language Development (4)

Select one (3 units):

  • PH 115 - Human Health and Wellness (3)
  • PH 270 - Investigating Disease Outbreaks and Epidemics (3) GE-C2; Social Justice
  • PH 440 - Global Health and Disability(3) GE-UD-D; Social Justice

Complete both (6 units):

  • TED 301 - Introduction to Education (3)
  • TED 302 - Introduction to Teaching (3)

Select one (3-4 units):

  • ENGL 309 - Major Works of British Literature (4)
  • ENGL 320 - Major Works of American Literature (4)
  • Upper Division (300 and up) Ethnic Studies literature course (ES 304, 322, 340, 361, 382) (3)

Select one (3 units):

  • HIST 488 - Education and American Democracy (3) GE-UD-C
  • PHIL 371 - Philosophy of Education (3) GE-UD-C; Social Justice

Teacher Prep

Liberal Studies Major Requirements (71-80 units)

Liberal Studies majors must complete the following core coursework as outlined. Please note that the core requirements also satisfy the upper-division GE requirements in areas C4, D4, and B6.

Liberal Studies Courses

Complete all (9 units):

  • LBST 201 - Introduction to Liberal Studies (3) 
  • LBST 223 - Education For Liberation (3) GE-F-ES; Social Justice
  • LBST 499 - Liberal Studies Senior Seminar (3) 

Humanities Courses

Complete all (10 units):

  • ART 120 - Art of Asia and the Pacific World (3) GE-C1 (or ART 221)
  • ENGL 204 - Writing About Literature (4) GE-C2
  • HIST 101 - World History I (3) GE-C2

English, Math, and Expressive Basic Skills Courses

Select one (3-4 units):

  • ENGL 303W - Advanced Expository Writing (4) UWR
  • ES 300W - Writing for Social Justice (3) GE-UD-C; Social Justice; UWR

Complete both (6 units):

  • MATH 318 - Mathematical Contributions to Modern Society (3) GE-UDB; Social Justice
  • THEA 341 - Dramatic Activities for Children (3) GE-UD-C

Select one (3-4 units) (OR other course equivalent to GE-B4):

  • MATH 118 - Mathematics for the Arts and Humanities (3) GE-B4
  • MATH 118E - Mathematics for the Arts and Humanities with Extra Support (4) GE-B4
Social Science, Natural Science, and Critical Thinking Integration Courses 

Complete all (9 units ):

  • ANTH 300 - Anthropology of Global Change (3) GE-UD-D
  • ENSC 320 - The Science of Global Change (3) GE-UDB; Sustainability
  • PHIL 311 - Environmental Ethics (3) GE-UD-C; Sustainability 

Select one (3-4 units):

  • CHEM 100 - Introduction to College Chemistry (3) GE-B1, GE-B3
  • GEOL 100 - Earth Systems Science (4) GE-B1, GE-B3; Sustainability
  • PHYS 115 - Elementary Physics (3) GE-B1, GE-B3
Human Development and Social Context Courses 

Complete both (7 units):

  • HDEV 381 - Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Lifespan Human Development(4) (or HDEV 311)
  • HIST 382 - California and the World (3) GE-UD-D; US-3

Core Courses