Post Award

The Post-Award Team assists investigators with grant-funded expenses, reimbursements, payments, subcontracts and various other post-award related forms.  In addition, they serve as a resource for requirements at the post-award stage, including but not limited to new award orientation, conflict of interest disclosures and training, subrecipient processing and payments, release time reimbursements to colleges, faculty additional compensation payments, staff and student payments, and various other post-award related issues. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Post-Award Items
For Post Award Assignments (listed by Principal Investigator Name), see the .

Post-Award Toolkit

ORSP has put together a Post Award Toolkit to assist with grant spending and instructions/policies to reference.  There are links to information and documents that can help answer some common questions and provide guidance related to managing your award through 海角社区.  For additional assistance, please contact

Post Award Contacts

For Post Award Assignments (listed by Principal Investigator Name), see the .

Gabriela Ruiz
Grant Admn and Compliance Specialist
(510) 885-2262
  • monthly reports
  • student hires
  • expense transfers
  • purchase requests/ requisitions
  • invoices
  • faculty pay
  • post-award questions
Ally Pelland
Pre and Post-Award Specialist
(510) 885-4213
  • new award set-up
  • monthly reports
  • student hires
  • expense transfers
  • purchase requests/ requisitions
  • invoices
  • faculty pay
  • post award questions
Jasmine Calix
Pre and Post-Award Specialist
(510) 885-3413
  • new award set-up
  • monthly reports
  • student hires
  • expense transfers
  • purchase requests/ requisitions
  • invoices
  • faculty pay
  • post award questions
Mark Vidal
Data and Compliance Specialist
(510) 885-3738
  • data/report requests
  • effort certifications
  • match certifications
  • CITI/Conflict of Interest training
  • post-award questions
Ryan Hoy
Budget and Contract Specialist
(510) 885-3738
  • subcontracts TO outside entities
  • subcontract monitoring
  • independent contractor agreements
  • post-award questions
Anne Wing
Office Manager
(510) 885-4212
  • RSCA funding
  • post-award questions
  • ORSP general questions
Jennifer Cabrejas
Co-Director, Grant Administration
(510) 885-4006
  • pre and post award general questions
  • research incentive payments
Philip Cole-Regis
Co-Director, Grant Admin
(510) 885-2464
  • post award general questions and training
  • process improvement and efficiency
Meena Sharma
Budget Specialist for ORSP
(510) 885-4565
  • ORSP Budget
Sarah Williams
ORSP Admin Support
(510) 885-7322
  • Post-Award Support