Student Testimonials

  • "This class has opened my eyes to the world of investing. I really enjoyed that this class is go at your own pace and that it follows more of a job workflow than a class workflow. This has been one of the most unique and useful courses I鈥檝e taken at CSUEB." - Skylar Young, Fall 2023
  • "SIF is such a fun experience, while other classes have always had the data ready for you, teaching you very little about how to analyze the data and what to do with it, SIF has let me get some more hands on experience with the quantitative analysis of data in a really fun way. Instead of being daunting and scaring you from wanting to do more, it piques your interest and makes you feel more connected to your work.聽" - Brenda Hermosillo Munoz
  • "The SIF program has helped me tremendously in developing vocational skills that are crucial for my success in the business world. I learned to analyze financial information to determine the conditions of a company. I have compared financial information to make calculated decisions, and confidently present my decision to an experienced audience. SIF has also improved my business soft skills and provided me with valuable opportunities to network with professionals." - Shakiba Shakeri
  • "The SIF course is great and I would recommend for other students focusing on a finance concentration to take this class for an upper division finance course. You can get experience for your financing job by using Excel. You get to work with someone for your presentation. You get to choose the sector that you can work in. You get to learn more about the companies in your portfolio. You can learn about what makes a company good or bad." - Alex Unguru
I am so glad that I had the privilege of taking the student investment fund course. Throughout my time in this course, I learned how to analyze finances, manage portfolios, and assess risks. Actually thinking about handling investments taught me how to make smart decisions based on research. These skills aren't just for the classroom—they're super useful in real life, whether you're managing your own money or making financial choices in a job. This course gave me the confidence and know-how to navigate the world of investments and financial planning.
- Casey Kehr

First, I am very grateful for being able to take the Student Investment Fund class. This class has given me hands on experience in investing and trading. I got to learn about different metrics to look at while valuing different companies. I was not comfortable with Excel when I first started this class, but over time this class has helped me tremendously in developing more advanced skills in Excel. Thank you so much Professor Brian, your class has taught me so many new things that I did not know about prior to taking your class. I appreciate how you have worked with us at every step and how you were always available when we needed help. For anyone considering taking this class, I highly recommend you do take it.
- Pearl Kaur

I decided to take the SIF course because I believe that it is important to apply hands-on learning to real-world experiences rather than the knowledge provided to you within a book. This course allowed me to build not only the success of our current portfolio but enhance my skills to build my future success in investing as well.
- Jacqueline Cooper, Spring 2023

This class has opened my eyes to the world of investing. I really enjoyed that this class is go at your own pace and that it follows more of a job workflow than a class workflow. This has been one of the most unique and useful courses I’ve taken at CSUEB.
- Skylar Young, Fall 2023

The Student Investment Fund taught me how to analyze publicly traded companies, quantitatively and qualitatively. This honors program also improved my communication skills, and grew my network enabling me to start my career in the financials industry. Dr. Brian Du does a great job spending extra time with students who have issues or concerns during the construction of the financial model and/or analyst report.
- Logan Anderson

Going into this course, I had yet to learn how much knowledge I would attain coming out of it. When I first heard about this course, I thought it was a class that would have lectures on what to look for and talk about what stocks to buy or not. That was not the case. This course is entirely hands-on, and every day, we are on Excel looking at stock indicators.  We are learning the importance of the indicators and rating them based on numerous variables. SIF immerses us students in real-world situations, allowing us to apply this knowledge in our own lives. This course is the representation of "you learn as much as you put in." This course allows you to grow as a student and a stock trader without feeling alone. Professor Du is right by your side every step of the way. While in class, going over important details, answering questions, or outside of class, ensure you're on the right track. Professor Du is always delighted to help. SIF has taught me not only how to read and translate information efficiently but also SIF has taught me how to use that information and make highly educated decisions.  
- Chelsey Gallegos-Anguiano

SIF is such a fun experience, while other classes have always had the data ready for you, teaching you very little about how to analyze the data and what to do with it, SIF has let me get some more hands on experience with the quantitative analysis of data in a really fun way. Instead of being daunting and scaring you from wanting to do more, it piques your interest and makes you feel more connected to your work. 
- Brenda Hermosillo Munoz
This class is one of the best course experiences I have had in my time here at CSUEB. I have always said that I believe the best learning comes from hands-on experience and that is exactly what this class offers. It provides an environment where students feel like they are the ones steering the ship and gives students a set of responsibilities similar to a workplace environment. However, what made this class amazing is that it never felt like work that you dreaded doing. Every time I was partaking in work for this class, I felt that I was growing and contributing to something real since it involves real funds that go towards helping actual students on campus in the form of scholarships. Because of that, it gives this class a sense of purpose that you don’t get with many other classes. On top of that, you get an amazing look into how Quantitative and Qualitative analysis is implemented when researching firms to add to our portfolio. All of this combines to create an experience that any Finance student should take advantage of. When Professor Du first mentioned this class when I was taking FIN-300, I was unsure if I should take it. But, now that I have taken the class, I am so thrilled that I was able to be a part of an amazing experience that I would recommend to every student who wants to expand what they know and get hands-on with their learning.
- Jordan Valente

The SIF course is great and I would recommend for other students focusing on a finance concentration to take this class for an upper division finance course. You can get experience for your financing job by using Excel. You get to work with someone for your presentation. You get to choose the sector that you can work in. You get to learn more about the companies in your portfolio. You can learn about what makes a company good or bad.
- Alex Unguru

One of the best choices I made in my college career was taking the SIF course because I gained hands-on experience with working with a financial model. Specifically, I improved on Excel by working with real life data, which simulates a professional work environment. Moreover, I developed thorough analytics skills to quantify and understand financial data. The process of selecting an investment recommendation allowed me to communicate powerfully with my partner as I had to consider the many strengths and weaknesses of a company. So, I will forever be grateful for this opportunity that ensured me that I can be successful in a business finance world.
- Josue Cerna

As a current senior at CSUEB I can say without a doubt that FIN425 is the most beneficial class I could have taken as a finance major. Professor Du has taught me so much when it comes to world of investing and portfolio management, and all the skills that we learn in class, are all applicable in the real world. Whether it was working on my financial model in excel, or analyzing qualitative reports there is always work to be done, and not once did it feel like "busy work". The application of all the new skills I've learned and it translating into a final presentation in front of the SIF board members, results in a super rewarding class that is like no other.  On top of that the whole class got to hear from guest speakers like Louis Navellier and Ernest & Young, where they talked about what they do and gave advice to the class on how to succeed in the financial industry. I really feel like I'm gaining experience in my future career field, and as a senior hoping to get a job by next year, that experience is crucial. To anyone considering taking FIN425 with Professor Du, I highly recommend taking it, as you won't regret it.
- John Ong

The SIF is a remarkable course, not only for the learning experience but the network we build along the way. I went into this class expecting to just analyze some data and talk about my findings but that was just the tip of the iceberg. It was about teamwork, problem-solving, and learning the nuances of the investment world. I’m now more confident in my analytical and collaborative skills to navigate and contribute to the financial world than ever before.
- Elizabeth Linares

My time this semester in the Student Investment Fund course has been nothing short of learning experiences. One of the things I liked about this course was the environment, I was sitting surrounded by students of similar major backgrounds that were learning as I was and prof. Du whom always cared about our questions and always tried to give directions in the clearest way possible. I believe one of the most important things I learned in this course was definitely how to work my way around a model in excel which prior to this class I had not done before and it was something I was helped with by class partner and professor Du. Another important thing I learned working with the model was the significance of the ratios we calculated to performance of a company and what to look for in the measures that composed the overall final score of each of the companies analyzed. I enjoyed the course because it gave me the feeling that I was on top of my work as long as I showed up every class with the attitude to learn and get things done even though I'm not the best with the excel software.
- Carlos Uribe Perez
As a marketing major, taking this class may seem impractical to the outside viewer, but it has helped me develop my understanding of various aspects and the work involved in investing. Finance concepts and theories taught in lower divisions are actually put into practice, providing students with hands-on experience that no other current finance or business class offers. Learning how to quantitatively and qualitatively analyze actual data and make decisions that have a real impact on the investment fund provides a truly unique and enhancing real-world experience for students to invest in.
- Julianne Marie Villarreal

SIF has been the best class I have ever taken. I feel like all my other business classes were leading up to taking SIF. To use a sports analogy, my accounting, finance, and other business classes were like practice, teaching me the necessary skills and laying the foundation of knowledge. SIF felt like the first scrimmage before the actual season (starting a career in finance) . I finally could use my skills from previous classes and actually apply them using real world applications. It was a really rewarding experience and the fact that Professor Du cares so much for his students really made the entire course even better. This class really put my Excel skills to the test but there is a sense of pride I have looking at all the work I have done this semester. I have no doubt that I will use what I have learned from Professor Du as I pursue a career in finance after graduation. He really knows his stuff and goes above and beyond to see his students succeed, if they are willing to do the work. 
- Grayson Pritchard

I am grateful for the invaluable experience of being a part of the SIF. This opportunity has not only equipped me with knowledge applicable to my future career but also served as a significant personal investment.
- Leander Capitly

I delved into stock trading without fundamental knowledge, later seeking guidance through freelancer stock classes. However, my trading perspective underwent a notable shift with an introduction to the student investment fund (SIF). This program vastly differed from my prior learning, focusing on specialized methods for analyzing company financials, like the Z-score and correlation matrices. Personally, this experience reshaped my understanding of the stock market, providing an opportunity to learn from trading professionals like Louis Navellier.
- Thuan Ly

I had to do a lot of review on the world of finance while taking this class. As someone that isn't a finance major, I realized I have forgotten almost all of it. However, this class it was nice to apply the information to the real world. I was able to see real companies and their information relative to peers in the same sectors and industries. It gave all the terms, math, and concepts a more concrete position in my memory. After creating a model, finding correlations between what is owned and potential candidates, and finally investigating companies in a qualitative way, gave me a solid construct of how I should approach companies. It doesn't even have to be companies I am investing in, but companies I could potentially work with. If I were to walk into a company and have the overall understanding of their stance in the world, and tackle the issues that others view as risks, or strengthen our stance in areas we already excel at, I could provide value that most wouldn't be able to.
- Wesley Blake

In the Student Investment Fund class I was able to learn how to use fundamental analysis and qualitative analysis on companies. I liked how we were able to use the S&P Capital IQ in the class because it had lots of information that I could use to learn more about the given companies and it really helped with the project we completed in the class. Overall I had a great experience being apart of the Student Investment Fund and feel well prepared to invest for the future.
- Jordan Hobbs

Student Investment Fund was a great experience and course to take, and I will recommend it to everybody! Initially, I chose to take SIF to learn more about investing and stocks. Soon, after the class began I learned that this class was so much more than that! As we began to learn about numbers and learning how to input them into formulas, I got to learn what the importance behind all of those formulas was. My favorite part was when we got to the qualitative aspect and had to deep dive into our long lists. I got to learn a ton about what makes a good stock a great pick! I know many of the skills that I got to learn in SIF as ones that I am going to keep with me for when I begin investing too!
- Jaspreet Kaur

The SIF program has helped me tremendously in developing vocational skills that are crucial for my success in the business world. I learned to analyze financial information to determine the conditions of a company. I have compared financial information to make calculated decisions, and confidently present my decision to an experienced audience. SIF has also improved my business soft skills and provided me with valuable opportunities to network with professionals.
- Shakiba Shakeri

I'd pitch to students this course will put your excel skills and financial knowledge to practical use by applying them to stock market analysis. Students will learn how to analyze stocks, make informed investment decisions, and witness the outcomes of your investments in real-time.
- Malissa Swanson
I would 100% without a doubt recommend The Student Investment Fund to any student who has an interest in getting hands-on applicable skills with financial functions, creating models, stock analysis, and reading analyst reports. I’ve gained more from this class than I thought I would, as this isn’t your typical sit and listen to a lecture for an hour type of class. This is a class that requires you to use skills and techniques you have learned from other finance classes and use them in day to day work to filter through hundreds of companies to find the best possible company to invest in. This class will hone your skills in attention to detail as one mistake could ruin your entire data set, but it will also challenge you to learn and apply the skills required to be successful in this class. Professor Dr. Du is a passionate mentor and professor dedicating not only his time and effort but also his knowledge in the investing space taking time to answer student questions in great detail. Overall if I had the opportunity to take this class again I wouldn’t hesitate. I am grateful to have been able to share this learning experience with Professor Brian Du and my fellow classmates and hope to see the portfolio expand and grow semester by semester.
- Ming Chen

The Student Investment Fund has been a more than worthwhile experience in showing me how to fundamentally evaluate stocks from the bottom up. It is a special class where all the work you do goes towards a decision that has the possibility of making on impact on a real portfolio. With that responsibility along with the proficiency I've gained with Microsoft Excel, I can confidently say this class has prepared me the most for my future professional career.  
- Lucas Brown

I am grateful for the opportunity to share how the SIF program has influenced my career. My experience in the SIF has been a pivotal part of my educational journey, shaping both my skills and career as a bank auditor. The SIF program has significantly improved my vital communication skills that are essential for effectively conveying findings and insights to bank management. SIF sharpened my critical thinking and problem-solving skills providing me these skills to address complex issues, analyze data and propose solutions. Lastly, I must highlight that our participation in the Student Managed Investment Fund Conference was a tremendous opportunity to network with fellow students and industry professionals. This experience not only broadened my horizons but also facilitated valuable connections that continue to benefit me in my career.
- David Cox

The Student Investment Fund is a fascinating course where you get to not only learn about how to manage your wealth, but also experience what it's like as a financial analyst to analyze financial documents and companies for financial decisions. It is a phenomenal and a wonderful class for those who are interested in finance and wealth management. The knowledge learned in the course has led me to contribute a decision for our university's portfolio, and allowed me to demonstrate my ability as an analyst.
-Brandon Chen

What I took from this class is the very valuable skill of being analytical. Being able to analyze data/financials and managing to develop a story of why the data/financials are the way they are for senior leaders/ business partners is a great skill to have in corporate finance. There’s an art to storytelling data/financials, and if you do it well, you can get very far.
- Ashvir Hamdard

The SIF course made a profound impact on my professional development and career. It provided me with a solid foundation of principles and strategies for investment analysis and decision-making. The course also supplies students with invaluable opportunities to network with professionals in various fields, including guest speakers and fellow classmates. Through these interactions, I was able to make an important connection that was pivotal to my job offer post-graduation. I would like to thank Professor Brian Du, board members Mike Coke and Ken Pereira, and everyone involved in the SIF for creating a course that gives students the opportunity to develop their investment and professional skills through real-world application.
- Yannick Raffell

In my current job in the Corporate Treasury department I work a lot with Microsoft Excel and in the SIF I've learned how to work with Excel in a more productive way. In the class I sometimes thought that all this data entering and formatting is a waste of time but it helped me to get faster with Excel and after the SIF I was more interested and eager to improve my Excel skills - the skills that I need now in my job. Thank you for making it possible for this special course to exist at CSUEB and thank you for all that I have learned - it has truly been an inspiration to me.
- Stefan Zieger